Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Writing with Light

Writing With Light

In production, the right lighting is always important. In my Advanced TV Production class we worked with lighting and the different aspects of lighting in video. The subject used for my examples is my classmate Jaylaan Riley

Key Light 

This type of light is the primary light during an interview.
Positioned behind the interviewer's shoulder, it is placed 
opposite to the camera. The job for this light is to 
illuminate the subject's face.

Back/Hair Light

This type of light illuminates the space behind the subject's 
head so that the subject stands out of the background. Bring 
extra attention to the subject and puts spotlight on them.

Side/Fill Light

The side/fill light is to fill in the shadows created by the key 
light. Its purpose is to make sure that the light is even across 
the subject's face.